Backup Doulas

As a doula, you’re dedicated to providing continuous support to your clients, but sometimes life happens—your schedule fills up, you have personal commitments, or unexpected situations arise. That’s where having a backup doula can be invaluable.

At Doulado, we understand the importance of seamless collaboration, so we’ve designed flexible tools to help you set up and manage backup support with ease. Whether you need to share client information or share contracts with a backup, our platform offers several ways to integrate backup doulas into your workflow. In this article, we’ll walk you through the different options for setting up backup support, including profile sharing with permission levels, network contacts, and key features to help you manage your business with confidence.

If you are looking for the ability to share a contract with a backup doula, the best way to send provider to provider contracts is through a "Network" profile. In a Network profile, you can send fillable paperwork, upload files, send an invoice or send a secure message, similar to a client profile. The main difference is that the Network profiles do not have access to a "portal" like a client does.

If you are looking to share a client profile with another doula, the best way is through that client's profile in the share this profile section. These are 2 separate steps, and both can be done if you desire.

If the doula you shared the client profile with has a Doulado subscription or are apart of your team, they will have immediate access to the client profile shared. If they already have their own Doulado account (subscription), they can access unlimited shared profiles.

If they do not yet have a Doulado account or subscription, they will be prompted to create a "free" account with their email to access the shared profile. After the 1 free client, they would be prompted to pay for their own subscription to access more client profiles. Alternatively, if you have a team account, you could invite them to your team to share unlimited profiles.

Links to helpful articles:

Sharing Profiles

Creating Network Profiles

Team Overview & Permissions