Teams overview and permissions

Teams are designed to make a few situations easier in Doulado:

  1. Support an agency, non-profit or other business with multiple individuals
  2. Collaboration between doulas that work together and share billing and business processes

Do I need a team to share clients?

No, you do not need a team just to share clients. Client profiles can be shared individually with as many doulas as you like, and they can be given permission levels that differ based on your needs.

Differences in teams and sharing individually

There are a few things that make teams different than just collaborating with other doulas by sharing clients individually:

  • Team owners: Team is owned and managed by the members that are given Owner permissions. Those members can invite other team members, manage the team settings, business details, and have permission to see and manage everything for clients owned by the team.
  • Centralized billing: Invoices for a team will pay the team's business account and use the teams products and services. If payment processing is enabled, the payments will be paid out to the bank account listed on the team, regardless of who on the team creates and sends the invoice.
  • Shared documents: Each team has a shared copy of the document templates that can be sent to clients, which are managed by the team owners.
  • Visibility: By default, all team members have visibility to see documents and files shared to clients by other team members.

Permissions for team members

Team members are divided into 3 levels, each with different default permissions:

Owner Contributor Participant
Message team members
View all team clients
Assign clients to themselves
Edit all team clients
Add new team clients
Share the profile with team members
Delete, transfer or archive clients

Edit team settings

View private documents, files and notes

Create/ edit templates

Add resources to bank

Edit services

Send Invoices
View Invoices sent by someone else