Client journey overview
The Client Journey View is the primary place to manage a client's care. You can access all of the client information from here, as well as collaborate, take notes, send invoices and many more things.
#1: Tabs
This is the set of tabs to view different collections of information in this client journey.
View quick information about a client and their care. You can do several things from this view, including add a note, edit the quick information
Add and categorize notes with labels, and see what notes others have added as well
View the list of files that have been uploaded or shared with the client
Documents that need to or will be be completed by the client, like intake forms and contracts
Invoices that have been or will be sent to the client to collect payment
Deliverables created by the invoices so you can track what services or time you have provided to the client and when
#2: Contacts
This card shows the photo and contact information for the client and other related individuals you have added to the journey, for example partners, spouses, parents or other relatives. Each contact has their own card.
#3: Timeline
This is a historical record of what events have happened for this client journey. Most activity is shown here, such as documents and files being sent, invoices sent and paid, and when other providers join and leave the care team.
#4: Quick Stats
This card allows you to see the type and status of the client, with links to edit and delete the journey.
#5: Custom Fields
This card shows fields and values that can be customized, changed and re-ordered. There are defaults for certain types of clients (e.g., birth and postpartum). The data here is best for short values that have clear and concise labels.
#6: Quick Actions
These are buttons to do actions on other tabs, but do it quickly from the first tab.
#7: Sharing
This card shows any other providers that this client has been shared with, including their permission level.