Transfer Client Profile

If you want to transfer ownership of a client profile from your personal clients tab, or from one team to another, you can easily do that from within the client profile!

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the client profile from your main client list
  2. In the top right corner, in the quick stats section, there is an arrow icon which will transfer the profile to another team or person.

If it is a team client, only owners can transfer client profiles.

  1. Select transfer, and then a window will pop up to allow you to select who to transfer to. You may also want to check the box to transfer all appointments with that client because those are separated.

Options to transfer client profiles to may include:

  • Other assigned providers on that client profile, which would transfer the profile to their personal clients tab
  • Transfer to your own personal clients tab from a team
  • Or transfer to another team you are a part of