Understanding a CMS 1500 Form
When you're ready to file your first claim with Doulado, simply click here to access an article that will guide you through the process. Below, you'll find an overview of the boxes on a CMS 1500 form, which is a standard billing form used by healthcare providers, including doulas, to submit claims for services to insurance payers. This form provides detailed information about the services provided, the patient, and the provider.
Box # | Entry Details |
1 | Select the Payer Type |
1a | Client Member ID # |
2 | Client Name |
3 | Client's Date of Birth |
4 | Insured Name |
5 | Client Address |
6 | Relationship to Insured |
7 | Insured Address |
8 | Not for Doula Use |
9 | Other Insurance Coverage Subscriber |
9a | Policy # of Other insurance |
9b | Not for Doula Use |
9c | Not for Doula Use |
9d | Name of Other Insurance Carrier |
10 a-c | Not for Doula Use |
11 a-d | Not for Doula Use |
12 | Doulado Will Auto Fill |
13 | Doulado Will Auto Fill |
14-16 | Not for Doula Use |
17 | Referring Physician Info (if required) |
18 | Enter Hospitalization Dates (When billing for births) |
19 | Not for Doula Use |
20 | Not for Doula Use |
21 a-l | Appropriate ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code |
22 | Doulado Will Auto Fill (when needed) |
23 | Enter Authorization # (when needed) |
24a | Enter the Dates of the Service (Service description or notes can be added in the blank red space above the service dates/codes if needed) |
24b | Code for Place of Service |
24c | Not for Doula Use |
24d | All Modifiers your Payer Requires |
24e | The Pointer your Payer Requires |
24f | Charges for Your Covered Services |
24g | Units you are Billing for |
24h | Not for Doula Use |
24i | Not for Doula Use |
24j | Your NPI |
25 | Your EIN or SSN (whatever you use for tax purposes) |
26 | Doulado will Auto Fill |
27 | If your payer uses Govt. funds, you will select Yes |
28 | Total Charges for All Services x Units |
29 | Doulado will Auto Fill |
30 | Not for Doula Use |
31 | Doulado will Auto Fill |
32 & 32a | Only need to complete if service is rendered at a hospital |
33 & 33a | Your Name, Address, Phone # and NPI (Individual or Business depending on how you are credentialed (Doulado will auto fill if saved in business info) |
Be sure to check with your specific payer to confirm their claim filing guidelines, as requirements can vary. Verifying these details ahead of time will help ensure your submissions are accurate, compliant, and processed smoothly.