Creating Document Templates

How to create and edit your document template

Document templates are designed to a template to share with clients. Adding fillable fields into any section that needs to change per client is a great way to be able to customize it each time. The template should have blank fillable fields in spaces that need to change per client such as: client name, due date, fees, dates, signatures, etc.

Edit Document

When creating a new document template you can choose to edit one of the document template samples, start your own blank document, or upload a PDF document. If you edit a sample or start with a blank document, you will come to our document editor where you can add or edit text, change formats, edit fonts and colors, and add images to your document.

Fillable Fields

Whenever you have a space in your contract that needs to changed, and filled out by either the doula or the client, you can add in a fillable field on the left by leaving the cursor in that space and clicking on a field option.

The fillable fields can be moved around by clicking and dragging, made larger by dragging the arrow around, and edited by clicking on it. The edit field options allow you to change the name of the fillable field, so that both you and/or the client know what should be entered there. You can also add a prefilled entry from the dropdown to automatically pull in information such as client name, current date/time, etc. You can leave the prefilled entry as no default you want to type in something specific each time. You can also make the field required or not to complete the document.

Currently, there is only an option for the provider sending the document and the client receiving it to fill out a document. We are working on an additional feature to allow for multiple providers and/or clients to be able to sign a document to allow for partners and backup doulas on the same contract. Doulas can sign the contract when they send to the client, or "revise" the document after it has been completed to add their signature.

Adding a New Page

Our document editor does not automatically add a new page when you get to the bottom of a page because it creates individual documents to save as a PDF. You can manually add a new page when you need to expand your document by clicking the + button at the bottom of a page in the document editor.

If you have a red error message because the document is flowing off of the page, you will need to remove some of the text until you can see the icons at the bottom of the page again. When copying text into a template, we recommend copying small sections at a time to know when you are getting close to the bottom to add a new page. Try highlighting the bottom few lines of text and "cutting" from the page to see the icons. Then add a new page, and "paste" the new text to the top of the next page.