Using or embedding the lead form

This article is about the Lead Form in the Clients tab. For information about your own intake forms, and / or how to create document templates in Doulado, there is a separate article for that.

To have leads entered into Doulado automatically, you can use the built-in lead form. This can be used in a couple of ways:

  1. You can copy the link and do things like:
    1. Send it to prospective clients
    2. Include it in your email footer
    3. Add it to your social media or link tree
    4. Add it to your website
    5. Add it to your newsletter
  2. You can copy the embed code and paste it into your website (if the tool you use allows that)

Copying the link or embed code

  1. Go to the Clients list
  2. Click the Lead Form button
  3. Click the Copy button for the one you want to copy