Creating a Booking Link

Within your Templates section, you can create booking links to share with clients and leads (potential clients)! There are several different customization options for this feature. Please review this article with full instructions and videos to help you create appropriate booking links for your business!

To create booking links, follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the Templates tab and select the Booking Pages section

  1. Click on the +New Booking Page button on the right

  1. Enter the required information then click save
    1. Name (this is only visible to the doula)
    2. Title (visible to client)
    3. Linked Lead Form (you can select the lead form you want the booking page linked with)

If no lead form is linked, and the client does not have a Doulado profile already, they will be asked to enter basic contact information to create a profile for them.

d. Client Portal (selecting this box allows this booking link to automatically be visible to your clients in their portal)

e. Description (this will show in the initial page, and at the top of each page to describe the type of appointments that can be booked or basic instructions you would like to provide)

What client sees on first page of booking
  1. Once you have created your booking page, hover over the newly created page and select Open, then select Customize

  1. The next step is to add Appointment Types and Bookable Time Slots

  1. Adding Appointment Types
    1. When you select add/edit next to Appointment Types, a screen will open so you can select the appointment type (from your present appointments) for the booking link. Multiple appointment type options can be added to one link
    2. You can also adjust the time needed for this appointment (if it differs from preset appointment template)

Here is an article on how to add preset appointment templates to your account to use in a booking link

  1. After adding appointment types, you can open each one to edit their name, duration, description and add location options by clicking on the appointment type.

For Location Options, this is where you can add locations for the clients to choose from

  • Link for Virtual Calls: You can paste links in as well as a prefix for the title, like "Title: {link}". This would be great to share a link to a virtual call hosting link that you continually use such an ongoing google meet link, or zoom link. Using the format shown below for Google Meet, the client would see "Google Meet" in the dropdown options, and then the link would save as the location in their event details.
  • Pre-Selected Meeting Location: You can also add an office space or mutual meeting location that they can select. If you use the format below "Office: 190721 Second St, Hamburg, NY", it will show as "Office" in the dropdown of location options, and then the address would populate as the location in their event details. If you just type "Office, 190721 Second St, Hamburg, NY", they will see both the name and address in the dropdown of options.
  • Allow Client to Type In: If you leave a blank line item, it will allow the client to type in an address for the meeting (ie. their home address, or a place they would like to meet).
  • Phone Call: Another location option could be "Phone Call", and you could be sure to collect their phone number in the linked lead form. If that is the only option they have, they would have to select that and know the meeting will take place over the phone.

  1. The next step is to outline the timeslots in order to add availability options to your booking link. There can be multiple timeslots added, and multiple providers to one booking link.

    1. Provider Name
    2. Weekdays (when the weekday is highlighted in blue, it is "selected")
    3. Status (whether you are marking these particular days/times as free or busy)
    4. Start Time
    5. End Time
    6. Buffer Time (This is the amount of time, in minutes, you would like between scheduled events. If you do not need any buffer time, you can leave this space blank)
    7. Daily Limit (This is the maximum amount of appointments you would like booked in one day. If left blank, there is no limit other than time available)
    8. Maximum Days Ahead (The maximum number of days in advance that an appointment can be booked)
    9. Minimum Days Ahead (The minimum number of days in advance that an appointment can be booked. If left blank, same day appointments are allowed)

If you a part of a team, any owner on the team can create the booking link, and then team members can go in and add their own available timeslots to that page.

Once the booking link is created, and timeslots are added, you can send a direct link to clients, or embed the booking page into your site to allow leads or clients to schedule appointments!! Here is a full video on creating a new booking link, adding timeslots and what a client sees when scheduling a visit from your link:

Additional Features to Note:

  • Overnight Booking: You can also use a booking link for clients to book overnight appointments. For instance, a timeslot set from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM accommodates the scheduling of an overnight appointment lasting up to eight hours into the following day. This flexibility ensures that your availability aligns seamlessly with the unique scheduling needs of your clients, particularly for extended or overnight services.

If you are on a team, and have multiple providers showing availability for the overnight shift, the client would be able to choose who they are booking their overnight care with.

  • Booking multiple appointments: Clients have the ability to select multiple event slots at once when booking. This should make the process easier and more efficient by allowing clients to book all of their desired appointments in one go. When they select that appointment date/time, it will save that selection as "other days" at the top, and then they can continue to select others. When they select "Book Appointments", they will notified of the amount of appointments they currently have selected to verify,

  • Booking Notifications: When a new appointment is scheduled through the booking link, both the doula and the client (or lead) will receive an email notification with the event details.

  • Ability to book again: When completing the booking, they will have an option to book another appointment from the same booking page if needed. If they select I'm all done, they will be complete and shown the "all set" page. If they select book another one, they will be directed back to the start of that booking page to complete it again.

If you haven't already joined, be sure to hop into our Doulado Community on Facebook and watch the webinar we hosted recently all about the booking link! [Search #bookinglink in our group]