Lead Form Customization
Customizing a Lead Form
Once you’ve created a lead form, you can tailor it to meet your specific needs. Follow these steps to customize your lead form effectively:
- Choose the lead form you want to work with, and Open
- Click on Customize to begin editing the form
- Use the options panel on the right to modify the basic details of your form:
- Name: Update the name of the form (Doula facing)
- Title: Edit the title displayed on the form (Client facing)
- Redirect To (on Completion): Specify where users should be directed after completing the form (Ex. a specific webpage you created, your website, etc.)
- Confirmation Email: Decide if users will receive a confirmation email upon submission
- Enhance your form by adding a variety of fields:
- Text Field- Use this field for short answer questions
- Text Box- Use this field for questions that require longer answers
- Dropdown Menu - Use this feature to list options for them to choose from for a question
- Checklist- Use this feature to give them options to choose from, and they can select multiple options
- Multiple Choice - Use this format to give them options to choose from
- Date Selector- This format allows for a date to be selected with a calendar popup. This is great for due dates, delivery dates, or dates services should start as examples.
- Email Field - Collect their email address
- Phone Field - Collect their phone number
- File Upload - The lead can upload a file when they fill out your form (ex. insurance cards, paperwork, etc.)
- Payment - If you have a Stripe connection through Doulado, you can collect payments through a lead form (Ex. consultation fee, class registration fee, etc.)
- Section Breaks - Organize your form into sections
- Select a field to access additional customization options:
- Label: Set the name or label for the field, or type in your question
- Required: Mark the field as mandatory, if needed
- Map To: Basic demographic information (name, email, address, etc.) is set to map to that spot in the client profile. Other questions can be mapped to a "custom field" (a field in the profile info section on the right side of client profile) or a "note" (great for longer answers or things you don't need to see quickly each time you view client overview)
Custom Field Mapping examples: Due Date, Delivery Date, Provider, Birth Location, Emergency Contact, Insurance Type, etc.
Note Mapping examples: What do you envision for your birth? Can you describe the support you are looking for? Can you tell me about your pregnancy? Additional comments?, etc.
- Field Name: Edit the internal name of the field (if selecting a custom field) so that the name in the profile info section is more direct. Ex. Question "What is your estimated due date?" can be mapped to a custom field with a field name of "Due Date".
- After customizing a field, click Done to save your changes (you may need to scroll down to find "done" if you have a long question or multiple answer options)
- Drag and drop fields to arrange them in the order that works best for you
By following these steps, you can create a lead form that’s both functional and personalized for your needs.