Lead Form Customization

Customizing a Lead Form

Once you’ve created a lead form, you can tailor it to meet your specific needs. Follow these steps to customize your lead form effectively:

  1. Choose the lead form you want to work with, and Open
  2. Click on Customize to begin editing the form

  1. Use the options panel on the right to modify the basic details of your form:

    • Name: Update the name of the form (Doula facing)
    • Title: Edit the title displayed on the form (Client facing)
    • Redirect To (on Completion): Specify where users should be directed after completing the form (Ex. a specific webpage you created, your website, etc.)
    • Confirmation Email: Decide if users will receive a confirmation email upon submission
  1. Enhance your form by adding a variety of fields:

    • Text Field- Use this field for short answer questions
    • Text Box- Use this field for questions that require longer answers
    • Dropdown Menu - Use this feature to list options for them to choose from for a question
    • Checklist- Use this feature to give them options to choose from, and they can select multiple options
    • Multiple Choice - Use this format to give them options to choose from
    • Date Selector- This format allows for a date to be selected with a calendar popup. This is great for due dates, delivery dates, or dates services should start as examples.
    • Email Field - Collect their email address
    • Phone Field - Collect their phone number
    • File Upload - The lead can upload a file when they fill out your form (ex. insurance cards, paperwork, etc.)
    • Payment - If you have a Stripe connection through Doulado, you can collect payments through a lead form (Ex. consultation fee, class registration fee, etc.)
    • Section Breaks - Organize your form into sections
  1. Select a field to access additional customization options:
    • Label: Set the name or label for the field, or type in your question
    • Required: Mark the field as mandatory, if needed
    • Map To: Basic demographic information (name, email, address, etc.) is set to map to that spot in the client profile. Other questions can be mapped to a "custom field" (a field in the profile info section on the right side of client profile) or a "note" (great for longer answers or things you don't need to see quickly each time you view client overview)

Custom Field Mapping examples: Due Date, Delivery Date, Provider, Birth Location, Emergency Contact, Insurance Type, etc.

Note Mapping examples: What do you envision for your birth? Can you describe the support you are looking for? Can you tell me about your pregnancy? Additional comments?, etc.

    • Field Name: Edit the internal name of the field (if selecting a custom field) so that the name in the profile info section is more direct. Ex. Question "What is your estimated due date?" can be mapped to a custom field with a field name of "Due Date".

  1. After customizing a field, click Done to save your changes (you may need to scroll down to find "done" if you have a long question or multiple answer options)
  2. Drag and drop fields to arrange them in the order that works best for you

By following these steps, you can create a lead form that’s both functional and personalized for your needs.