Creating a New Calendar Event
This guide will walk you through the steps to create a new event effortlessly. You can create a new event from your main calendar or from within a client profile in the visits tab. Both places are synced, and will the event will appear in the calendar, the client profile visits tab, and the main visit tab in the billing section once created!
- Click on the New Event button located in the upper-right corner of your screen.
- Fill Out Event Details: A new window will appear, prompting you to complete several fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
- Preset: If you have pre-configured appointment presets, you can select one here. If you want to set these up check out this article on Preset Appointment Templates
- Title: If you do not want to use a preset, you can enter a title for the event; this title is the default to appear on your calendar
Please note that the event title is visible to the client.
- Client: Specify who the appointment is with. If you are in your main calendar, start to type a name and it will appear. If you are starting the new event from the client profile, their name will automatically populate
You can leave the client field blank if you want to block off time on your calendar without associating it with a client, or the event is not directly related to 1 specific client.
- Provider: Assign a provider to the event. Note: This option is only available for team plans.
- Status:
- Busy: Prevents other appointments from being scheduled during this time
- Free: Allows other appointments to be scheduled during this time while still reserving the slot
- Location: Choose to use the client’s address by selecting the option above the location field (will populate client address if there is one in their client profile). Alternatively, enter a different address, such as an office space or mutual meeting location.
- Date and Time: If using an appointment preset, the duration will auto-populate based on the selected start time. You can manually enter the start and end date/time if needed. An end time is not required if you want to use the timer when starting the visit. Note: If there is no end time added, the event will not sync to your Google Calendar.
- Notify Client: Leave the box checked to send the client an email notification of the new event details. If unchecked, it will not send an email of the new event information. Leave the reminder box checked to also send an email reminder to notify the client one day before the event.
- Description: Add any notes or details about the event to share with the client! This field is visible by the client and will appear in their event overview information.
After the event is created, you can add a note to the visit if needed. Anything labeled as a "note" in Doulado whether a visit note, or note in their profile, is not visible by the client.
- Once all the necessary details have been entered, click Save to finalize the event.