Stripe- Changing Accounts

With Doulado, accepting credit and debit card payments is simple and seamless. Once you’re set up, you can easily update the bank account where your funds are deposited through your Stripe account.

If you want to completely start over to connect a different business, email and we can delete the connection from our end for you to start over. Follow these quick steps to make changes through Stripe:

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Click on Balances in the menu on the left hand side of the screen

  1. Click on manage payouts at the top right of your screen, and select manage bank accounts

  1. Select add new bank account to add a new account for a different currency, or select edit account to change the account for the current currency. You may need to verify your identify before the next step by sending an email and verifying your password, and then you can enter your new account information.

Please reference this Stripe Support article for more information!

You can also access this from within your Stripe account settings>business>bank accounts and currencies.