Editing On-Call Windows

In your main calendar screen from the dashboard, you can view the on-call windows in the full calendar view, as well as in the "On-Call" calendar. This separate view can be found at the top right of the main calendar, and opens a dedicated view, enabling you to focus exclusively on each client’s on-call schedule. These windows are set to a default period of 38-42 weeks gestation, but that range can also be edited for your account in your calendar settings. If a due date is added into a client's profile, their on-call window will populate here, as well as the main calendar (if your calendar settings allow).

For solo providers, the on call windows will automatically populate for all clients in your list with a due date. For a team, the windows for your assigned clients will populate, or more depending on your settings!

Customizing a client's on call window

You have the flexibility to adjust the on-call window for a specific client if that time frame changes throughout their journey. Additionally, you can customize this setting further by applying it to all providers for this client, or only editing "your personal" on call window for this client. This gives you full control over your schedule, and the ability to modify based on backup schedules or time off.

To change the on call window by client:

  • Navigate to the main calendar screen
  • Click anywhere on the call window

  • Select one of the three options available in the window that opens.

  • Edit this clients on call window for everyone:
    • If the client has special circumstances (e.g., a scheduled delivery) that would apply to everyone, you can edit this client's on-call window for all providers. These changes will affect all providers assigned this client.
    • Enter in the new start date, number of days and/or end date (it will populate the # of days between both dates). You can also enter a description as well if you'd like to explain the reasoning for the change (ie. scheduled induction, etc.)

The description will show up below the on call dates when the on call window is opened back up.

  • Personalize this one call window for yourself:
    • If you only need to be on-call for a specific portion of the overall on-call window, you can customize it just for yourself, while everyone else will still see the full client on-call window.
    • Enter the details for the new on-call window specific to yourself, and that will only affect your view. This is helpful for doula partners, or backup doulas!

After you add a "personalized" on-call window for yourself, and open the edit box again, you will have an option to "Create a new personalized on-call window for yourself" and/or the ability to remove that personalized on call window as well. This may be helpful if the timeframe you are "on call" is not one straight block of time.

  • Remove this on-call window for everyone:
    • If an on-call window is no longer needed, or not needed at all, you can remove it entirely. This change will effect all providers' calendars and remove from the main calendar view. This is helpful because although all client's with a due date will receive an on-call window, depending on the service type, you may not actually be "on-call" for them!

Each time you save your changes, a notification will pop up to let you know if the updates you are about to make will effect other calendars.

Changing the On-Call window time frame

You can modify the default on-call window timeframe in the calendar page settings. If you are a solo provider, you can edit it for your personal clients tab. If you are a part of a team, the owner can adjust the default time frame for the whole team. Doulado automatically sets the window to be 38-42 weeks, but you can modify that if your business is always on call at 37 weeks, or another time frame!

Additionally, each individual on call window can also be edited to adjust for specific client circumstances, if needed.

Navigate to the Business settings section and choose the desired date range to set your default on-call availability.