Google Calendar Sync

You can sync your Doulado Calendar with a Google calendar in order to easily view your Doulado appointments with your other schedules! You will find the link external calendar button at the bottom right of your main calendar screen. If you click there, you can easily setup the connection to a google calendar to push Doulado appointments and events into a "Doulado" google calendar!

Here is a full video explaining the process, and how it works:

Any event that is scheduled in Doulado will sync to your google calendar once you connect them. Google does not have the concept of an "open ended" event like we do, for starting a timer, so the event must have an end time to sync. Any changes/edits or deleting of an event needs to happen within the Doulado calendar.

Doulado will not currently recognize changes made to an event directly in the Google calendar.