January 2024
What a year at Doulado! We’re so grateful to be building this software with you on our side. We continue to make improvements and add more features as we receive feedback on what would help you work best. We're excited to announce a series of new updates and features that have recently launched to keep improving Doulado! These new changes are designed to enhance functionality, streamline processes, and provide you with more control and convenience. Here's a comprehensive list of the recent changes:
#1 Multiple lead forms
- Multiple lead forms: Doulas and teams can now have multiple lead forms for different kinds of clients! The service options can be can customized for each one, which is perfect for those with multi-faceted business offerings!
Here's an example of setting up a lead form directly for Birth or Postpartum Doula services only:
Please note: Previously created lead forms links will still work.
#2 Messaging enhancements
- Multiple Recipients: Messages can now have multiple recipients, enabling efficient group messaging for better communication between clients with multiple doulas. Team owners can also message multiple recipients to communicate efficiently with their doulas!
How to use it
- Edit and Delete Messages: You asked, and we listened! Messages can now be edited and deleted, giving you more control over your communication. Simply click the edit or delete button inside the specific message to edit directly!
#3 Set your notification preferences
- Notification Preferences: Doulas can now customize their notification preferences. Simply navigate to the user menu in the upper right corner to access this feature. Tailor your notifications to suit your needs and stay informed the way you want.
#4 Payments & claim support
- Help Video for Doulas: For doulas applying for payment processing, we've added a helpful video on the start screen to guide you through the process of connecting your stripe account to begin accepting payments from clients right through Doulado!
- Claim Payment Status: We've introduced a new column to track the status of claim payments when Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) is not used. Choose from options like "None," "Received," and "Done" to easily manage your claims.
#5 Form improvements
- Enhanced Drag & Drop: Form fields now offer better drag & drop options, including the ability to add section headers. Fields can also be placed on the same row, providing more flexibility in form creation.
Above in blue is a section header shown dividing two sections on a customized form.
Fields added to a form can now be on the same line to create more space, and be more customizable!
#6 Smoother writing experience
- Grammarly Issues Resolved: We’ve heard from some doulas that when they have the Grammarly plug-in installed in their browser, it was creating some typing issues within Doulado. Those have been resolved to ensure a smoother writing experience.
#7 New birth term label
- Added "Pre-Term": We've added a new birth term named "Pre-Term" for babies born before 37 weeks. Keep an eye out for these client delivery dates, highlighted in red in the client list.
Above, the red highlighted box shows the “Pre-term” label, and how it appears in the client list. You will also see the new term shown in the “Birth Info” section inside the client profile.
#8 Team role permissions updates
- Exporting: Only team owners will have the ability to export the client list, enhancing data security and management.
- Restricted Access: On a team account with the claims feature, non-owners of a team will no longer be able to see the claims page, providing enhanced security and privacy.
#9 Impact Plan reporting
- Embedded reporting: For our impact plan users, we can now help embed reports directly in Doulado for you! Custom reporting can be created by our developer, and now the reports can be added to show up right on your Doulado Impact Plan home screen for easy access and business planning.
We hope you find these recent changes valuable and that they contribute to an improved experience on our platform. As always, your feedback is important to us, so please feel free to reach out with any questions or suggestions. Thank you for being a part of our community!
What's Next?
We have several items at the top of our roadmap. Here's a sneak peek at what will be available soon:
- Scheduling within Doulado: This is at the top of our list, and we’re so excited to loop in scheduling capabilities to ease your workflow within Doulado! We anticipate this being ready by March 2024!
- Claims Submission + Processing: Our Biller, Sarah, has started to work with some organizations to assist in setting up their claims processing. We have multiple tiers of options to work with our internal claims processing, and will continue to expand that to more users soon!
- Time Tracking + Logging: This feature is frequently requested by our users, and we are excited to introduce it soon to help keep track of time spent with clients. This will be especially helpful for teams, and community organizations who need to track that time for reports, and funding.